姓 名:童立红
男,1988年7月生,博士,教授,博导。交通运输青年科技英才,江西省“双千计划”科技创新高端人才(青年),江西省青年井冈学者,江西省杰出青年基金获得者,华东交通大学研究生院副院长,江西省党外知识分子联谊会第三届理事会理事,中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会青年工作委员会委员,近岸与离岸工程灾害环境防护专业委员会委员,《Universal Journal of Civil Engineering》期刊副主编。2015年获得中国科学技术大学博士学位和香港城市大学第二博士学位。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、江西省自然科学基金项目5项、参与国家高铁联合基金重点项目1项;发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI收录50余篇,EI收录7篇;授权发明专利3项;主持获江西省自然科学三等奖1项,参与获教育部科技进步二等奖1项、中国铁道学会科技进步一等奖1项。
2022/12-至今 华东交通大学,土木建筑学院,教授
2022/09-至今 萍乡市交通运输局,副局长(挂职)
2013/09-2014/09,香港城市大学, 助理研究员授
[1] 饱和砂土状态时空演化本构及液化触发判别研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目,52278350),202301-202612,主持,54万
[2] 江西省“双千计划”科技创新高端人才项目(青年类),202301-202612,主持,100万
[3] 干湿循环下高铁路基动力软化机理与统一时变模型(国家自然科学基金项目,52168049) 202201-202512,主持,35万
[4] 基于北斗的高铁路基沉降变形预测-监测-预警智能化技术研发(江西省科技合作专项项目,20212BDH81034),20210701-20230630,主持,30万
[5] 高速铁路软土地基动力软化的微观机理及其对地基长期沉降的影响研究(国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,11702095 )201801-202012,主持,25万
[6] 循环荷载致软土软化的微观机理及其对高速铁路地基长期沉降的影响研究(江西省杰出青年基金项目,2018ACB21024) 201801-202012,主持,20万
[7] 颗粒材料动力流化机理及其在砂土全尺度动力变形分析中的应用研究(江西省自然科学基金面上项目,20202BAB204025)202001-202112,主持,6万
[8] 基于非局部孔隙介质理论的高速铁路饱和地基动力响应研究(江西省青年基金项目,20171BAB216047), 201701-201812,主持, 6万
[9] 高铁非饱和路基长期性能演化及其大数据分析预测研究(国家自然科学基金高铁联合基金项目,U1934208)202001-202312,参与(排名第3),231万
[10] 动载-干湿循环耦合作用下高速铁路路基动 力软化机理及其统一时变理论(国家重点实验室开放课题,HJGZ2021206) 20220101-20231231,主持,4万
[11] 江西交通工程集团科研合作项目:交通荷载作用下非饱和路基性能演化及防控技术研究,59.5万,2021.09-2023.06,主持
[12] 江西省交通科学研究院科研合作项目:公路隧道结构性能多源信息安全评价体系研究,19.8万,2022.10-2023.09,主持
[1] 童立红,徐长节,丁海滨,《非局部饱和孔隙介质弹性力学理论及其工程应用》,中国矿业大学出版社,2021.09
[2] 徐长节,童立红,《交通岩土工程》,机械工业出版社,2020.01
[1] H. Ding, L.H. Tong, C. Xu, Z. Cao, R. Wang, S. Li, On propagation characteristics of Rayleigh wave in saturated porous media based on the strain gradient nonlocal Biot theory, Comput Geotech, 141 (2022) 104522.
[2] S. Xu, L.H. Tong, C. Xu, H. Ding, On wave transmission in saturated soil system separated by a nonlinear isolated layer, Comput Geotech, 136 (2021) 104211.
[3] L.H. Tong, B. Wen, Y. Xiang, Z.X. Lei, C.W. Lim, Elastic buckling of nanoplates based on general third-order shear deformable plate theory including both size effects and surface effects, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 17 (2021) 521 - 543.
[4] L.H. Tong, B. Qi, C. Xu, Fluidity characteristic of granular materials within low frequency dynamics, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 202-203 (2021) 106508.
[5] L.H. Tong, F. Lin, Y. Xiang, H.-S. Shen, C.W. Lim, Buckling analysis of nanoplates based on a generic third-order plate theory with shear-dependent non-isotropic surface stresses, Composite Structures, 265 (2021) 113708.
[6] L.H. Tong, H. Ding, L. Zeng, D.X. Geng, C.J. Xu, On the dynamic response of a poroelastic medium subjected to a moving load based on nonlocal Biot theory, Comput Geotech, 134 (2021) 104118.
[7] Y. Yu, J.-W. Ding, Q. Xu, B.-T. Zhu, C.-J. Xu, L.H. Tong, Damage of Sandstone Induced by Repetitive Impact Loading, International Journal of Geomechanics, 20 (2020).
[8] N. Wang, Y. Le, L.H. Tong, T. Fang, B.T. Zhu, W.T. Hu, Vertical dynamic response of an end-bearing pile considering the nonlocal effect of saturated soil, Comput Geotech, 121 (2020).
[9] L.H. Tong, L. Zeng, D.X. Geng, W. Hu, C.J. Xu, Dynamic effect of a moving ring load on a cylindrical structure embedded in poroelastic space based on nonlocal Biot theory, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 128 (2020) 105897.
[10] L.H. Tong, B. Qi, H. Ding, C. Xu, Statistical model predicts softening and fluidization induced by vibration in granular materials, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 171 (2020) 105373.
[11] L.H. Tong, H.B. Ding, J.W. Yan, C. Xu, Z. Lei, Strain gradient nonlocal Biot poromechanics, International Journal of Engineering Science, 156 (2020).
[12] F. Lin, L.H. Tong, H.S. Shen, C.W. Lim, Y. Xiang, Assessment of first and third order shear deformation beam theories for the buckling and vibration analysis of nanobeams incorporating surface stress effects, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 186 (2020).
[13] H. Ding, L.H. Tong, C. Xu, W. Hu, Aseismic Performance Analysis of Composite Lining Embedded in Saturated Poroelastic Half Space, International Journal of Geomechanics, 20 (2020).
[14] C.J. Xu, H.B. Ding, L.H. Tong, W.J. Luo, N. Wang, Scattering of a plane wave by shallow buried cylindrical lining in a poroelastic half-space, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 70 (2019) 171-189.
[15] L.H. Tong, Y. Yu, C.J. Xu, Nonlinear dynamic behavior of cemented granular materials under impact loading, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 151 (2019) 70-75.
[16] L.H. Tong, Y. Yu, S.K. Lai, C.W. Lim, Dynamic Weakening of Sandstone Subjected to Repetitive Impact Loading, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52 (2019) 2197-2206.
[17] L.H. Tong, S.K. Lai, J.W. Yan, C. Li, Highly Directional Acoustic Waves Generated by a Horned Parametric Acoustic Array Loudspeaker, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the Asme, 141 (2019) 7.
[18] H.B. Ding, L.H. Tong, C.J. Xu, X.S. Zhao, Q.X. Nie, Dynamic responses of shallow buried composite cylindrical lining embedded in saturated soil under incident P wave based on nonlocal-Biot theory, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 121 (2019) 40-56.
[19] L.H. Tong, S.K. Lai, L.L. Zeng, C.J. Xu, J. Yang, Nonlocal scale effect on Rayleigh wave propagation in porous fluid-saturated materials, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 148 (2018) 459-466.
[20] Y.S. Liu, L.H. Tong, S.K. Lai, Thermo-acoustics generated by periodically heated thin line array, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 427 (2018) 28-40.
[21] L.H. Tong, Y.S. Liu, D.X. Geng, S.K. Lai, Nonlinear wave propagation in porous materials based on the Biot theory, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 142 (2017) 756-770.
[22] L.H. Tong, S.K. Lai, C.W. Lim, Broadband signal response of thermo-acoustic devices and its applications, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141 (2017) 2430-2439.
[23] L.H. Tong, C.W. Lim, X.S. Zhao, D.X. Geng, Theory and modeling of cylindrical thermo-acoustic transduction, Physics Letters A, 380 (2016) 2123-2128.
[24] L. Tong, Y. Yu, W. Hu, Y. Shi, C. Xu, On wave propagation characteristics in fluid saturated porous materials by a nonlocal Biot theory, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 379 (2016) 106-118.
[25] J.W. Yan, L.H. Tong, C. Li, Y. Zhu, Z.W. Wang, Exact solutions of bending deflections for nano-beams and nano-plates based on nonlocal elasticity theory, Composite Structures, 125 (2015) 304-313.
[26] L.H. Tong, C.W. Lim, S.K. Lai, Y.C. Li, Gap separation effect on thermoacoustic wave generation by heated suspended CNT nano-thinfilm, Applied Thermal Engineering, 86 (2015) 135-142.
[27] L.H. Tong, C.W. Lim, Y.C. Li, C.Z. Zhang, T.Q. Bui, Generation of mirage effect by heated carbon nanotube thin film, Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (2014) 9.
[28] L.H. Tong, C.W. Lim, Y.C. Li, Generation of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound by Carbon Nanotube Opto-Acoustic Lens, Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the Asme, 81 (2014) 11.
[29] L.H. Tong, C.W. Lim, Y.C. Li, Gas-Filled Encapsulated Thermal-Acoustic Transducer, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the Asme, 135 (2013) 10.
[30] C.W. Lim, L.H. Tong, Y.C. Li, Theory of suspended carbon nanotube thinfilm as a thermal-acoustic source, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332 (2013) 5451-5461.
[31] 童立红, 温斌强, 徐长节, 雷祖祥, 基于率态模型的颗粒材料剪切强度理论, 中国科学:技术科学, 51 (2020).
[32] 王珏, 童立红, 金立, 徐长节, 任意荷载下连续排水边界分数阶黏弹性地基一维固结模型 土木与环境工程学报(中英文), 42 (2020) 56-63.
[33] 童立红, 王珏, 郭生根, 朱怀龙, 徐长节, 变荷载下连续排水边界黏弹性地基一维固结性状分析 岩土力学, 40 (2019) 1862-1868.
[34] 徐长节, 丁海滨, 童立红, 杨园野, 基于非局部Biot理论下饱和土中深埋圆柱形衬砌对平面弹性波的散射 岩土工程学报, 40 (2018) 1563-1570.
[35] 丁海滨, 徐长节, 童立红, 杨园野, 郭生根, P波作用下饱和土中深埋圆形复合式衬砌隧道动应力响应研究 计算力学学报, 35 (2018) 589-596.
[36] 耿大新, 余小强, 童立红, 王海龙, 弧形地连墙侧位移计算的新方法 岩土工程学报, 38 (2016) 2272-2277.
[1] 纳米结构热-声-力性质研究,获2020江西省自然科学三等奖,主持
[2] 轨道交通引起的环境振动分析理论及控制技术,获2019教育部科技进步二等奖,参与
[3] 环境敏感区软硬不均地层隧道建造关键技术及应用,获2020年度中国铁道学会科技进步一等奖,参与
[4] 2021年指导学生参加中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛获国赛铜奖
[1] 童立红;温斌强;徐长节;雷祖祥;颜建伟, 一种测定及计算颗粒材料系统剪切强度的方法,发明专利,授权,2022-08-26,中国,ZL202110097974.6
[2] 童立红;齐博文;徐长节;雷祖祥, 一种确定颗粒材料模量软化和恢复的方法,发明专利,授权,2022-10-28,中国,ZL202110068073.4
[3]童立红;丁海滨;于洋;徐长节,一种测定及计算岩石衰减系数及非线性系数的方法, 发明专利, 授权, 2018-09-25,中国, ZL201811113345.2.
[4] 颜建伟;童立红;丁海滨;雷祖祥;徐长节,一种基于石墨烯双稳态物理转换的加速度传感器,发明专利, 授权,2020-09-01, 中国, ZL201911134691.3.
[5] 徐长节;吴琳琳;童立红;葛佳佳;丁海滨;阮呈尚,一种连续玄武岩纤维复合筋材的锚索实用新型,授权, 2020-07-03, 中国,ZL201921665647.0.
[6] 耿大新;余小强;童立红;闵世超;谢建华;郑焕;曾宇凡,一种计算弧形地连墙侧位移的方法发明专利,授权, 2016-03-29, 中国,ZL201610183960.5.
江西省党外知识分子联谊会第三届理事会理事;江西省科技厅专家库成员;中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会第三届青年工作委员会委员、近岸与离岸工程灾害环境防护专业委员会委员、《Universal Journal of Civil Engineering》期刊副主编、《World Journal of Mechanics》《Primera Scientific Engineering》及《华东交通大学学报》期刊编委